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The NW Gàidhlig Society is a Scottish Gaelic cultural heritage group based in Western Oregon. We aim to build community around the exploration of this identity from a historical perspective, and by invigorating it in a modern context by fabricating traditional clothing, sharing culinary traditions, playing traditional music, speaking the Gàidhlig language, and more.

For many years we have operated as a group of living historians portraying individuals from Highland clans who rose for Charles Edward Stuart in 1745. Our goal in this discipline is to commemorate this definitive chapter in Scottish Gaelic history by building historical impressions to the most accurate and realistic degree possible. We engage in a variety of events annually, ranging from historically immersive period camping events, to public festivals and Highland Games where we can offer to share our knowledge, research, and historical techniques.

On this site, you can find reports from our research, event photos and historical portraits, advice on making your own historical impression, and how to get involved if you’re local. We hope you find this to be an impartial and helpful resource on your own learning journey.


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